

Direct equity & revenue based investments in emerging startups.

We Invest Quick, and Early.

Pitch Us

Don't be afraid to pitch us if you have an idea not reflected in our portfolio.

Actively investing

Yes, we are 100% actively investing 😈 and often the first check-in at early stages.

Follow on & late-stage

We follow on with additional investment to selected startups and help founders raise late-stage capital by helping prepare their data rooms, pitch decks, create a network of late-stage strategic investors, and making sure they have the proper metrics to kill their fundraise.

Do 2080 Ventures have a specific focus?

We're a generalist VC and have funded early-stage startups that touch nearly every sector.

Do you lead rounds? What is your check size?

We invest with the check size of $50k - $100K unless we've worked with the founder before.

We are thrilled to be the first check into your company! But, because of our small check size, we can not put the majority of the money in your round.

If you already have a lead, we will evaluate the terms of the round that are already there and decide if we want to invest alongside the lead.

How long do you take to decide?

There will be a process: 1) sending application, 2) interview call, 3) selection.

Most of the time, founders can expect to receive a response from us between 5 to 7 days after having a call with us.

Do you coach outside your fund?

No, we use our energy and resource coaching our own portfolio companies.

Where do you invest?

At this time we exclusively invest in companies based in Korea, Taiwan, India, Pakistan and Southeast Asia.

How many investments do you do in a year?

We do about 60 investments a year!

What should I include when pitch 2080 Ventures?

We love data! If you have numbers that demonstrate traction such as your overall user base and its growth rate or your monthly revenue run-rate and its growth rate. If you have also previously created successful companies or projects, do mention them as well. Don't forget to address what problem you are digging into.

PS. We love well designed products, if you have the link to your work product add that as well.

Who do you invest in?

We invest in companies based on a startup's product, business model and the founders who lead these companies. We are not a diversity fund! However we believe diversity brings different thoughts and creativity into the company. We give additional points during the evaluation process if the startup has a mixture of gender, color, and culture.

What don't you invest in?

We do not invest in pharmaceutical, theoreticals, art/film projects or medical device companies, solar panels, MLM Schemes (Reverse Pyramids or Normal Pyramids), land, restaurants / physical retail or traditional brick and mortar small businesses.

Also, we do not invest if at least one of the co-founder is not in or from Asia, and if the product/service is in an ideation phase.

When is the right time to talk to you?

Many teams we talk to have already launched their products and already have the beginnings of a revenue model, although this is optional

It's never too early to start a conversation with us. Often, we meet founders right when they are starting out, and then we invest later once we see progress.

Do I have to be full-time?

Yes! If you are building anything of value it needs to be a full time commitment.

Does our product have to be ready to apply?

We love companies that have built at least a minimum viable product (MVP).

Do you take board seats?

We rarely take board seats unless the company asks!

Helping startups grow the right way