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Alloy is a direct-to-consumer telehealth company that assists women over the age of 40 with menopausal symptoms.
Alyce empowers brands to deliver personalized gifts to their customers and partners.
Apteo helps retailers and brands sell more through intelligent personalization.
Atomwise is a AI drug discovery company helping to make better medicines faster.
Avision is developing an innovative fleet management system for drone operators.
B Great offers a range of hemp-based topicals for consumers who value transparency.
Bind provides personalized, cost-transparent and flexible health plans.
Botsociety helps businesses build conversational interfaces for their web & mobile apps.
Buffer’s suite of apps and tools are designed to increase engagement and grow an audience on social media.
Percent (formerly Cadence) provides access to alternative investment opportunities.
Cedar is a payment and engagement solution used by hospitals and medical groups.
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