Use Cases
Office Functions


Delloite Cascade Suite is a robust and transparent calculation engine designed to automate various financial processes and forecast different investment scenarios. By integrating Cascade Suite into your financial management strategy, you can streamline workflows, enhance accuracy, and make data-driven decisions with ease. Here is a breakdown of the primary functionalities that Cascade Suite offers:

  1. Waterfall Calculations: It can carry out an array of waterfall calculations, including cash, hypothetical liquidation, tax, and future scenario waterfalls, tailored at various levels like fund, investor, or investment.
  2. Investment Metrics Calculations: The Suite is adept at performing critical investment calculations such as Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and Net Asset Value (NAV) calculations which are vital for evaluating the performance of an investment over time.
  3. Capital Account Maintenance: Ensures smooth capital account management, providing a systematic approach to maintain and manage financial records efficiently.
  4. Fee Calculations and Allocations: It can accurately calculate and allocate management and performance fees, which is vital for maintaining transparency with investors.
  5. Advanced Financial Configurations: The platform can handle complex financial configurations like single/multiple hurdle rates or preferred return calculations to optimize investment returns.
  6. Loss Allocations: It features loss and loss carry-forward allocations that help in managing and mitigating investment risks effectively.
  7. Side Pocket Allocations: Cascade Suite supports side pocket allocations, allowing for separate tracking and management of illiquid investment assets.
  8. GP Carried Interest and Incentive Plans: It provides features to calculate and allocate GP carried interest, clawback, and incentive plans, which are essential for fostering a performance-driven environment.
  9. Customization and Flexibility: The Suite offers customization options where waterfalls can be configured according to different parameters, providing flexibility and adaptability to different investment strategies.


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