What is Open Innovation, Why It Matters

Open innovation is a concept that guides the path towards a more collaborative and inclusive future in business and technology. It stands as a beacon in today's world where boundaries blur between sectors, geographies, and technologies. Originating from the mind of Professor Henry Chesbrough, open innovation has evolved from a mere idea to a fundamental strategy for growth and sustainability in the competitive business landscape.

What is Open Innovation?

Open innovation is a paradigm shift from traditional, closed-door R&D processes. It involves sourcing ideas and technologies beyond corporate walls while sharing internal resources with the outside world. This bi-directional flow of knowledge and resources fosters an ecosystem where innovation thrives on collaboration.

Traditional Innovation vs Open Innovation Funnel

At its core, open innovation is a practice that transcends traditional corporate walls to harness external ideas and technologies in combination with internal efforts. This paradigm shift from a closed, inward-looking innovation approach to a more open, collaborative model signifies a transformative change in how companies source and implement new ideas. It's a give-and-take, where companies not only seek external inputs but also share their resources to fuel innovation outside their boundaries.

There are two main paths for open innovation.

  1. Inbound, which brings external ideas and technologies inside.
  2. Outbound, where unused internal resources are utilized externally.

This dual approach ensures a dynamic flow of creativity and innovation, maximizing the utilization of resources and fostering a culture of collaboration.

Open Innovation is a strategic approach to keep and expand current market share, and explore and enter into a new market through internal and external stimulus for innovation. - by Sun Choi

Who Can Benefit from Open Innovation?

Virtually every player in the business and innovation ecosystem stands to gain from open innovation. Corporates can tap into external ideas to enhance their product offerings, startups can accelerate their growth by accessing corporate resources, and governments can solve societal challenges by fostering collaborative environments. Open innovation is the driver and growth engine for the ecosystem.

Why It Matters to Corporates?

In today's fast-paced world, no single company, regardless of its size or the depth of its research pockets, can claim a monopoly on creativity or innovation. There are too many innovative technologies like generative AI, space tech, quantum computing, and more are popping up. Open Innovation acknowledges this reality and leverages the collective intellect, leading to accelerated development, reduced risks, and access to new markets. It's a strategy that not only fosters innovation but also drives companies towards more sustainable and adaptable business models, and eventually, to survive.

Estimated Impact of Innovation Platforms on Economic Activity
Average Company Life span on S&P 500 Index in Years

Why It Matters to Startups?

Open innovation provides startups with access to resources, markets, and expertise that would otherwise be out of reach, significantly shortening their path from ideation to commercialization.

Is it only the technology that startup is innovative?

No, they are innovative in:

  • New and Frontier Technology — AI, blockchain, metaverse, quantum computing, robotics, etc.
  • Business model — Freemium, ad-based, subscription, pay-as-you-go, etc.
  • User Experience — AirBnB, Uber, etc.

Why It Matters to Government?

Governments play a pivotal role in nurturing innovation ecosystems. By promoting open innovation, they can drive societal progress, address complex public challenges, and stimulate economic growth through the creation of new industries and job opportunities. Their fundamental role must be to create a policy and regulation to adopt innovation in their country or region. They can also implement and practice open innovation by themselves.

What's the Trend?

Open innovation is not a product of the modern era, but its roots are deeply embedded in history. From the Longitude Act of 1714, which sought solutions for maritime navigation, to the development of canned food during the Napoleonic wars, history is full of examples where challenges were thrown open to the world, inviting solutions that transcended the limited expertise of a single entity. These early instances laid the groundwork for a more structured approach to innovation that transcends organizational boundaries.

The trend is clear: open innovation is no longer optional. It's a strategic necessity. Embracing open innovation is key to unlocking unprecedented opportunities for growth and impact, from Silicon Valley to emerging tech hubs around the world.


Open Innovation is not just a strategy but a mindset that embraces external collaboration and internal transparency to drive growth and innovation. In embracing this approach, companies do not merely adapt to change; they lead it, shaping the future of their industries and creating a legacy of innovation and progress. Open innovation represents the future.

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